Tuesday 25 January 2011

The Omnipresent Energy

This unit in physics, we learned about energy and and the conservation of it. Energy is in everything around us, and in everything we do. This is what I am trying to show in this particular blog posting, and I hope that by the end you are as convinced as I am. Conservation of energy is very simple, if you think about it, which I had to. The concept, to put it simply, is that even though energy may change forms in a situation, the total energy will not change. In this comic that I made about a skate boarder, Picasso (the skate boarder) wants to see whether a new half-pipe will satisfy his need for speed. I would like to note here that I have no knowledge on skate boarding, so I really just made up some stuff about skate boarding on a half-pipe, such as how high it is and how fast is FAST on a half-pipe. I'm sorry if I offend any boarders out there by my ignorance of the technical side of boarding. If you are worse than me and don't even know what a half-pipe is, it is the round thing that skate boarders go on when they feel that flat ground is too safe for them- the round thing that's shaped like a U where you start on one side and skate to the top, flip in midair, and then skate down it again.

I would like to thank the website http://www.napoleonohio.com/Parks/com/Glenwood.htm, which is where I got the picture of the skate board half-pipe that I used for the background of my comic.


  1. Jasmine, bro. You need to watch out for the spelling; like how 2 is spelled too and you have in between 'inbetween'. But, you have successfully made the proper grammatical structure for a teenage skater dude.

  2. Yay! Thank you John, I didn't really check my spelling that carefully but I will look over it again to double check. Thanks for your feedback!

  3. Great posting, very creative with excellent explanations!
    My only suggestion is to remove your last name from your Pixton please.

  4. Thank you so much Mrs. Gende! I'll take my last name off of the Pixton ASAP!
